Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why Farm Meat Rabbits: Good Breeding Doe's To Start With

Why Farm Meat Rabbits: Good Breeding Doe's To Start With

Good Breeding Doe's To Start With

Yes always look for the best breeding Doe's, to start you breeding Program; because if you Purchase Rubbish, you will only Produce Rubbish, and never get back to where you need to be, to have good dressed out Meat Rabbits.

So my Advice to you would be to start with the Best Money can buy, and you will always know that you at least started the right way.
See bad rabbits eat just as much as Good rabbits, so it makes sense to me to start right and not go after bad producing rabbits, which brings us to which Rabbits are the best for meat breeding.

First look at the Climate where you live, is it a cold climate, like in Tasmania where I live, its cold at times but in general its a very nice climate, and not a lot of disease to cope with oh yes there is Mixomotoses, caused by Mosquitoes, you need to watch them that they don't get to be a problem, can use sprays lightly, what I use is a netting over my cages of a night, but most of my rabbits cages are built outside, and have not had the problem with Mosquitoes.

Then we have the man made disease, of Coleus virus, which is dropped by the CSIRO, to kill rabbits in the wild; but not had any problems with that either because you can Vaccinate against that, at a cost of about $5.00 each rabbit and you only need to do your Breeding Stock, either get a vet to do the Vaccinating or buy the Viles of stuff and get some needles from the chemist, and do it yourself, will talk about that later how to do and how much stuff to use on each rabbit.

Right now then the best Meat rabbits to breed for Meat is no doubt the New Zealand Whites, and you can cross them with Californians, and there are other breeds you can use, but you make up your own minds on that, mine are New Zealand Whites and I'm using a Silver New Zealand, across them whites, just to try out as they are all purebreds, anyway, New Zealand Rabbits come in 4 colours, Whites, Reds,Blacks, and Silvers.

So breeding with these to start with then I'm buying a pair of Californians to cross into my next breeding Litters; OK so then it will bring out the best dressed Rabbits for Commercial Processing, as you want your Rabbits to dress out at approximately
2 1/2 Kilo'es of great white Meat Delicious and very nutrition and in Particular for those who suffer from Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, as its High in Protein,and very low in Fat, speaking here from Experience, as had Heart Disease but since been on Rabbit, and Chicken, and Fish, heaps better in Health, why because I listen to my Body, and feed it right, and exercise, stop to smell the roses each day enjoy life every day while we have it.

Well thats the end of our Post today but will be back in a couple of days again to bring you more great stuff on the good Life of meat Rabbits.
So until then you keep looking out for each other, and drive safely on the winter Roads. cya soon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why Farm Meat Rabbits

Why Farm Meat Rabbits, Welcome once again, well its been a long time since we last posted on here about why farm Meat Rabbits, but its all the rage once again the Wheels of change has come to this little Island of Tasmania, and well yes things are getting tougher on the Budget, and each housewife has to try and stretch the savings further each week, to feed her Family.

So thats why I've taken on board, to write again about it and really put in the hard yards, Of trying to make a few extra bits here and there out of what I know some thing about and that Breeding Rabbits, and well as the saying is very true they breed like rabbits well so does your Funds if done properly, and keep an account of every detail where you spend, for different Items, of material that you need to buy, to build Cages, watering,Feeding, Veterinary Treatments,and just about anything you need to keep it functioning.

So if you are thinking of going into a Breeding Program,its going to cost you to start properly, you need Cages, to house them, and if you are only going in a small way, start small and grow with your herd, build it from the best, look around see who's got what, and if you like what you see, then ask Questions, from that owner, see if you can Buy a Couple of pairs, or 3 Doe's and a Male, and then give them a week to settle into their new surroundings.

After the week is up, you can now start your Breeding Program, ONE WORD OF CAUTION; never take the breeding Buck or(Male) Rabbit to the Doe's Cage, because he will only sniff around her area and not do what he is suppose to do and that is to Mate, with her, and she will Fight with him to protect her environment; only natural isn't it Ladies; OK so remember to take Her to his Cage then he will get down to do his Job of filling her with his Sperm and hopefully a lot of babies.
Next Post we will share about,how long it takes before the Doe gives Birth, after her Matings, until next Post you have a good think about if this is what you want to do, for a small hobby or a Small Business, and you all keep safe, and look out for each other, c ya:

Monday, September 8, 2008

Culling To Increase Production

Hello and Welcome to Why Farm Meat Rabbits:

I believe very strongly that you need to cull out all the bad habits, That can creep into your Rabbit breeding operations,It is a fact that rabbits don't make profitable breeders.

Some just do not have the ability to produce, the numbers of bunnies and grow them out to meat sizes.So Why Farm Meat Rabbits:
There can be many causes for this, Like to much inbreeding, no ability to have enough milk, for young bunnies, only two or three teats for kits to suckle, lack of stamina, for the little bunnies to live,only able to have 2 or 4, kits, and a boost of other reasons.
The following is just a rule of thumb we use to cull at our Rabbit Farm.

So after looking at all the problems, i ask you again Why Farm Meat Rabbits;The Reason we cull the males called Bucks; That Buck, that sits over in the corner with no interest in the female or Doe as she is called, when taken to him. For Breeding.
Also the Buck that becomes to aggressive with the Doe when she is put into his cage to breed her, he bites her, and hurts her, a pattern of small litters, 2 to 6, kits are born each breeding.

The kits produced, from breeding do not come up to the standards you breed for; After the second look at physical make up of body traits you decide the buck should have never been chosen for a breeder in the first place.So until next couple of days when we will talk a bit about why not to breed with a rabbit because he looks pretty what you might find out so till then ask yourself Why Farm Meat Rabbits cya:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


As we are into breeding Meat Rabbits for eating and cooking beautiful Recipes, and help for those who have high Blood Pressures.
Myself I have had a few problems in my life with these types of medical ailments, and when I started breeding Rabbits, and we started to have one or two per week to eat, and finding them better than the Wild rabbit out on farms from out of Burrows, A friend told me she used to cook them for her very Sick husband.
Because he had high blood pressure, Diabetes, also a bad heart. And when her Doctor told her to feed the old guy cooked Fresh Rabbits.
She said they went to the market, and found from a guy there that old Joe down the road bred meat Rabbits, /So they went and saw what he had.
And he sold them a couple of breeding Doe's and a Male Buck, and gave them Instructions on how to breed them, and feed them and all the benefits, they would get from them not only to be able to breed young for the Table but also their Fertilizer, for the Garden and their Pelts for clothing and odd novelties.
So then after about 4 months they had their first two Litter's in the cages; and from about 12 weeks old they had their first cooked fresh meat from their own Caged Rabbits.
Now me not being in Flavor, of having them Caged, I sought out a new way of breeding them in more natural, kind of a way.
I built long runs about 150 Meters long and about 8 feet wide, with a sliding fence inside the run, and every couple of Days I would move the inside fence about 4 meters along inside the run to give them fresh grass and herbs.
I grew the herbs, of all kinds along with the grass, and they grew quite fast also they had a real Herbie type of taste when cooked.
Also in the Run I had shelter for them to go inside at night, with a type of slate floors with a crack about 1/2 an Inch between as so as all their Fertilizer dropped through onto a Tray, for easy gathering, and this was pulverized, for the Garden.
Also I had the tray slopping towards, the back of the Cage, to catch all the Rabbit Wee, also for mixing with water, @ 2liters of Rabbit Wee to 25 liters of water for all your pot plants, and flowers, and it won't burn them if you mix it at this Quantity.
Ok so until next post Keep Growing those Rabbits and saving those Berries for fertilizer, and the Wee for a beautiful Garden and I'll be back tomorrow God Willing. cya Have a Bonza Day

Friday, August 29, 2008

Green Peppers With Rabbit Salad.

Wow What a beautiful nice fresh Green Peppers With Rabbit Salad; its a wonderful feeling expecially in the Summer when its stinking hot, and you just have a lot of left overs and thinking what shall I do with them.

Well here is your Answer, Green Peppers and Rabbit Salad, with a nice Glass of Red, or Bourbon, take your pick it will make it very special; so here we go have a good look at this for a nice easy Salad to prepare, all you need is one nice big choice Rabbit undressed, and you are on your way.

4. medium green peppers,
2. cups diced cooked rabbit,
1/2 cup fresh peas,
1/2 cup sliced carrots,
1/2 chopped celery,
1 tablespoon grated fresh onion,
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley,
1 tablespoon snipped fresh chives,
1/4 cup mayonnaise,
1/4 cup sour cream,
1/4 teaspoon curry powder,
1/2 teaspoon salt,
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice,

Cut off tops of the green peppers and remove the seeds, cook peppers undercovered in Boiling water for five minutes, drain and set aside.

In a Large bowl, combine the rabbit,vegetables, and herbs.
Mix in a small bowl the Mayonnaise, sour cream, and the remaining ingredience.

Add this to the rabbit mixture and mix thoughly, Fill green pepper shells with the rabbit salad, and chill until ready to serve.

Makes about 4 servings:

So I hope your Green Peppers with Rabbit Salad, is a real goer for you also over the next few weeks you will get a new Rabbit Recipe, also some of my Favorites, that my old Grandma taught me to cook, when I would come home from School and she would be in the kitchen cooking tea.
And she would say to me come on Garry, what we going to have for desert, and she would help me to make something that our family loved.
Always make what they love she would say to me thenyou will always have an Audience, to cook for, so I've always remembered that even when I got Married. so till a couple of days time cya:

And please keep safe on the road, and if its a wet road, slow down and help others to be safe: from your Country Cook: John. 3:16.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Why Meat Rabbits

Yes Why Meat Rabbits, well its because so many people are having so much trouble with high Blood pressure and heart problems, that if we consider Why meat Rabbits can help us with our diets, with our health, because of low Fats and hardly any Cholestrol then why not Meat Rabbits.

Todays Post is about Cages for them to be Housed; now there are many different Stories about which Housing is better for breeding, inside or out side big cages, or small cages, all kinds of different styles, and all to the one Cause.

I myself in my Experiences, have tried quite a few out, and settled for the out side cage, built with draft proof fronting and next boxes, on the side of my Cages, with a Lid door at the top, so as easy to look inside the nest box, with out disturbing the young from sleeping ,So why not Meat Rabbits.

I built them with a wooden frame about 2 feet off the ground, with a half inch wire bottom, so as the waste could drop onto a Tray, underneath, to catch all the wee, with a hole in one corner with a small half inch rubber pipe off the underneath part as so as to let the wee run into a big 25 litre drum.

In which I wait till its full, then I change it for an empty drum, and complete over again, now I will tell you in a moment what to do with that, in the mean time we will complete our Cage situation.

When the outside Cages are erected We then have to put fresh water to each Cage, as my outside Rabbiter y, was 30 Cages long, I then put Cages upon the top of the ones on the bottom, and had the tray type under neath to catch all the waste, and wee into drums, So then I have 30 Cages on the bottom and 30 Cages on top along both sides, which will give you 120 cages full of breeding stock, Wow a lot of fun.

The Waste can be composted or start a worm farm with it as worms love it and grow very quickly and this gives you another avenue, for making a bit extra cash, and helps buy your few bags of Rabbit Pellets, to feed the mothers on, and your Growers. Well have you decided why not meat Rabbits by now, it will also give Employment to people, and help them, to maybe want to start breeding themselves.

Ok now back to the Wee what do we do with the wee, well when I get a drum full I have about 12 Empty drums and into each one of them I take out of the full one 2liters of the wee and put into an Empty Drum, then fill it with clean Water.

And seal the tops, and label them Rabbit, mixture for your flower, vegie, Gardens, now you can spray this straight onto your flowers pot plants, every thing that need a drink, excetp you or your Children, because its not for you or the children, because it makes things grow.

This is better than any other stuff I've Ever tried in my Garden, Rabbits have so many Uses, fertiliser, food, clothes, Odities to make from their Pelts, Thats why I have in the Past thought about sending trio's of them to third world countries,in a plan to feed the Multitudes, its also great Educational for children and Grown ups aalike.ok till next post when we will chat about keeping them cool in Summer and warm in Winter Feed, and handy small tools to use around the rabbit cages. Nice having your Company, and you have a very nice Day where ever you are, cya then.