Monday, August 25, 2008

Why Meat Rabbits

Yes Why Meat Rabbits, well its because so many people are having so much trouble with high Blood pressure and heart problems, that if we consider Why meat Rabbits can help us with our diets, with our health, because of low Fats and hardly any Cholestrol then why not Meat Rabbits.

Todays Post is about Cages for them to be Housed; now there are many different Stories about which Housing is better for breeding, inside or out side big cages, or small cages, all kinds of different styles, and all to the one Cause.

I myself in my Experiences, have tried quite a few out, and settled for the out side cage, built with draft proof fronting and next boxes, on the side of my Cages, with a Lid door at the top, so as easy to look inside the nest box, with out disturbing the young from sleeping ,So why not Meat Rabbits.

I built them with a wooden frame about 2 feet off the ground, with a half inch wire bottom, so as the waste could drop onto a Tray, underneath, to catch all the wee, with a hole in one corner with a small half inch rubber pipe off the underneath part as so as to let the wee run into a big 25 litre drum.

In which I wait till its full, then I change it for an empty drum, and complete over again, now I will tell you in a moment what to do with that, in the mean time we will complete our Cage situation.

When the outside Cages are erected We then have to put fresh water to each Cage, as my outside Rabbiter y, was 30 Cages long, I then put Cages upon the top of the ones on the bottom, and had the tray type under neath to catch all the waste, and wee into drums, So then I have 30 Cages on the bottom and 30 Cages on top along both sides, which will give you 120 cages full of breeding stock, Wow a lot of fun.

The Waste can be composted or start a worm farm with it as worms love it and grow very quickly and this gives you another avenue, for making a bit extra cash, and helps buy your few bags of Rabbit Pellets, to feed the mothers on, and your Growers. Well have you decided why not meat Rabbits by now, it will also give Employment to people, and help them, to maybe want to start breeding themselves.

Ok now back to the Wee what do we do with the wee, well when I get a drum full I have about 12 Empty drums and into each one of them I take out of the full one 2liters of the wee and put into an Empty Drum, then fill it with clean Water.

And seal the tops, and label them Rabbit, mixture for your flower, vegie, Gardens, now you can spray this straight onto your flowers pot plants, every thing that need a drink, excetp you or your Children, because its not for you or the children, because it makes things grow.

This is better than any other stuff I've Ever tried in my Garden, Rabbits have so many Uses, fertiliser, food, clothes, Odities to make from their Pelts, Thats why I have in the Past thought about sending trio's of them to third world countries,in a plan to feed the Multitudes, its also great Educational for children and Grown ups aalike.ok till next post when we will chat about keeping them cool in Summer and warm in Winter Feed, and handy small tools to use around the rabbit cages. Nice having your Company, and you have a very nice Day where ever you are, cya then.

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